Xuók Cu Quât (2011)

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sSiôŋ Hau first chairperson of FICT

(October 26) - Ambassador sSiôŋ Hau has become the first chairperson of the Forum for International Cooperation and Trade (FICT) since the treaty entered into force on October 21. In a speech to a special session of the National Congress, Chairman hPáks Thám congratulated ambassador Hau and expressed the hope that FICT will help break the isolation of our small nation. Dhram Phá's economy is weak, and with much stronger and better known neighbors as China and Vietnam, it is difficult to attract foreign investors and tourists.

With considerable interest, the Central Committee has read a translation of the proposal of the Khusqaian economist Siimeŋ Ŭeixiitär for FICT to organize a biannual conference on the problems and challenges of small economies with big neighbors. 'Ŭeixiitär identifies the exact cause and nature of our problem' said chairman Thám, 'and we welcome the idea of such a biannual conference.' 'Perhaps', he added, 'it should also be considered to create special chairs for problems and challenges of small economies with big neighbors at the main universities in the participating countries. We, at least, will take the initiative to create such a chair, and we will invite professor Ŭeixiitär for a symposium to share his ideas on the matter.' Chairman Thám concluded this part of his speech by pointing out that 'a more attractive name for such a chair and/or conference than "problems and challenges of small economies with big neighbors" might be helpful in promoting the idea.'

Chairman Thám further announced that ambassador Hau will put the matter on the agenda of the Conference of FICT.