Pāvus Luva

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Pāvus Luva (born 17 November 1949 in Kelvius) is a Voskian politician of proper Voskian origin. A throughout controversial figure, he is known for his somewhat anti-democratic views, having openly favoured the short dictatorial regime that ruled the country between 1993 and 1996. Nevertheless, he co-founded the Democratic Party (Ģiēnikē Pàrtiā) together with Ģiannis Irtiazus in 1996, and he succeeded the latter in 2001 as prime minister when Irtiazus had to step down due to health reasons. As prime minister, he was criticised by fellow party members for his opinions which didn't follow the party lines. Shortly before the 2002 elections, he left the party and founded the Irtiaziakē Pàrtiā ’02, named in memory of Ģiannis Irtiazus, who had passed away in November 2001. The Democratic Party got no seats during the 2002 elections and didn't manage to return in parliament thereafter. The IP'02 did reasonably well however, and Luva returned as foreign affairs minister in three successive governments between 2004 and 2008.

In 2012, it was announced that Luva would be a candidate for the 2014 presidential elections. He didn't make it to the second round however.

Prime ministers of Voskia since 1998
Ģiannis Irtiazus (1998 - 1999) · Envars Bapiavs (1999 - 2000) · Ģiannis Irtiazus (2000 - 2001) · Pāvus Luva (2001 - 2002) · Ģiōģius Krugvavs (2002 - 2004) · Başkim Arhali (2004 - 2007)
Gian Parpan (2007 - 2008) · Başkim Arhali (2008 - 2013) · Luçia Apavia (incumbent since 2013)
Ministers of foreign affairs of Voskia since 1998
Bautasars Kaģēvs (1998 - 2004) · Pāvus Luva (2004 - 2008) · Arben Berişa (2008 - 2010) · Eveline Riedi-Capaul (2010 - 2013) · Luvidz Ūrtiazes (2013) · Kristofor Buşati (2013, acting) · Luvidz Ūrtiazes (2013 - 2014)
Hasan Aliçka (incumbent since 2014)