FICT General Assembly of November 2022

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The twentieth General Assembly of the Forum for International Cooperation and Trade (FICT) was held in Surati (Algheran) in the Republic Maysoran, Algheran and Shaoran on 5 November 2022.


Chairperson: the Secretary General, Mr Saŭĺ Cħvĕŕiśek (AJ)

  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. The current situation in the member states
  4. The appointment of new directors of FSIB, FSTE, FSTS, and FSSC
  5. The new seat of FSSC
  6. The appointment of three new permanent judges of the JCF
  7. Tarmorya's candidacy to host FICT Games of 2023
  8. Any other business
  9. Scheduling of the next General Assembly
  10. Closing of the meeting

The appointment of new directors of FSIB, FSTE, FSTS, and FSSC


A successor has to be found for the director, Mr Rahman (RM), whose first term has ended.

  • Candidate: The current director, Mr Faiz Rahman is available for a second term as director of FSIB.
  • Candidate: Mr Kuwan Tanumalin of Kaupelan, former director of BKK (Bangku Kredit Kaupelan)

With 8 votes for Mr Rahman and 3 for Mr Tanumalin, Mr Rahman is reelected as Director of FSIB.


A successor has to be found for the director, Mr Wilmot (GX), whose term ended at the end of 2021 as Guelphia left FICT.

  • Candidate: Mrs Hélène Sarche-Kezt (IR) is eligible as director of FSTE.
  • Candidate: Ms Cléo Machado, former Minister of Finance, Economy and Tourism of Yutyrama

With 7 votes for Ms Machado and 4 for Mrs Sarche-Kezt, Ms Machado is elected Director of FSTE.


A successor has to be found for the director, Mr Dantas Nonato (YT), whose second term has ended.

  • Candidate: Mr Jellou Ghezayr, former volleyball player of Tarmorya
  • Candidate: Mr Aaween Bashog (HW). He was Minister of Culture and Religion (which includes sports) from 2015 to 2019 and director of the Harrawi Cricket Federation from 2019 to present.

With 6 votes for Mr Ghezayr and 5 for Mr Bashog, Mr Ghezayr is elected Director of FSTS.


A successor has to be found for the director, Dr Flores Caamaño (DN), whose first term has ended. He is not a candidate for a second term.

  • Candidate: Mr Stefanu Cuffari (VO) is eligible to suceed Dr Flores Caamaño. Originally a chemist, he ended up in administrative bodies in Voskia including most recently the IRSS (Istitute Riale dí Stuji Scentifichi, Royal Institute of Scientific Studies) as President.
  • Candidate: Mr Slava Ŭrvak (AJ). A philosopher attached to the Adzhatian State University.

With 8 votes for Mr Cuffari and 3 votes for Mr Ŭrvak, Mr Cuffari is elected Director of FSSC.

The new seat of FSSC

Upon the departure of Guelphia as member state of FICT, a new host location for the FSSC headquarters needs to be assigned.

  • The Republic of MAS proposes their capital, Bizet
  • Harrawi also proposes its capital, Oryaa

With 6 votes for Oryaa and 5 votes for Bizet, Oryaa will henceforward host the FSSC headquarters.

The appointment of three new permanent judges of the JCF

The incumbent judges' five year terms expired on 30 June 2022. They are not re-eligible immediately so Yutyrama and New Courland cannot propose candidates (the third judge was from Amargo, which left FICT at the end of 2021), as per the Regulation of the Juridical Committee of the Forum (JCF):

1. The Juridical Committee of the Forum will consist of three permanent judges and (if the number of member states of FICT exceeds six) two stand-by judges.
2. The three permanent judges are appointed by the General Assembly for one five year term.
3. The three permanent judges cannot be citizens of the same member states.
4. After five years three new permanent judges will be appointed; if the number of member states allows it, the new permanent judges should not be citizens of the same member states as their predecessors.
5. The two stand-by judges cannot be citizens of the same member states as the permanent judges.


  • Ms Lamberta Fröling-Bakker (KB)
  • Ms Ása Ékyr (JK)
  • Mr Robin Wasahi Daherayen (KP)

The three candidates are elected as permanent judges for the next term.

Any other business

FICT Fair 2023

Kronenburg toys with the idea of hosting a FICT Fair on Sustainable Development in 2023.


Full members

Council Meetings and General Assemblies of FICT
1. Council Meeting of April 4, 2012 (Dhram Ɖú) · 2. Council Meeting of June 26-28, 2012 (Ísðor) · Special General Assembly of January 19, 2013 (Purikali) · 3. General Assembly of May 4, 2013 (Ashtinok) · 4. General Assembly of May 3, 2014 (Port de Boiguehenneuc) · 5. General Assembly of May 2, 2015 (Kingsbury) · 6. General Assembly of November 7, 2015 (Porto da Mata) · 7. General Assembly of May 7, 2016 (Bizet) · 8. General Assembly of November 5, 2016 (Divis) · 9. General Assembly of May 6, 2017 (Vítgarð) · 10. General Assembly of November 19, 2017 (Amargo) · 11. General Assembly of May 12, 2018 (Louise Charlotte) · 12. General Assembly of November 11, 2018 (Oryaa) · 13. General Assembly of May 11, 2019 (Purikali) · 14. General Assembly of November 10, 2019 (Kercei) · 15. General Assembly of May 3, 2020 (Purikali*) · 16. General Assembly of November 8, 2020 (Port de Boiguehenneuc*) · 17. General Assembly of May 8, 2021 (Kingsbury*) · 18. General Assembly of November 21, 2021 (Borgin*) · 19. General Assembly of May 21, 2022 (Porto da Mata) · 20. General Assembly of November 5, 2022 (Surati) · 21. General Assembly of May 2023 (Laxarmai) · 22. General Assembly of November 2023 (Vítgarð) · 23. General Assembly of May 2024 (Yeovil) · 24. General Assembly of November 2024 (Marezzourd)
The meetings denoted with * were held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic