History of Khusqaian

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Five phases are commonly distinguished in the history of the Khusqaian language:

  1. Proto-Khusqaian, before 'discovery' and annexation by Korea;
  2. Old Khusqaian, until the development of writing in the own language;
  3. Middle Khusqaian, ...;
  4. Early Modern Khusqaian (sometimes called 'Late Middle Khusqaian'), the language spoken in the 19th century and described by ... (in Russian service);
  5. Modern Khusqaian, the current official, written language of Khusqaikama, mostly identical to Early Modern Khusqaian except for a large number of (mostly) Japanese and Russian loanwords.

Additionally, some writers (and others) argue that current spoken (rather than written) Khusqaian should be added as a 6th phase.

This page will - in time - describe the main differences between these phases.

phonological change

grammatical change



vocabulary change