Ceci Pyrãcé

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Maria Cecília de la Croix Pyrãncé or Ceci Pyrãcé, was born in Ouanary, French Guyana, in 1946, daughter of Marguerite de la Croix and of an hotelier, José Cordeiro Pyrãcé. Living in Itapirã, she was registered as a Yutyraman citizen after the independence of the country in 1958. Due to the military coup, she went into exile in France at the age of 20, completing her doctoral studies in geography at University of Sorbonne. Ceci returned in 1990 and began teaching at University of Porto da Mata. In 2000, she joined the People's Party (former Comunist Party) and was elected councillor in 2006 and senator in 2012. Amid the turbulent political situation of 2016, she was elected President of the Republic. Ms. Pyrãcé is Catholic and divorced.