Adzhatian elections, 2014

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On Saturday 27 September 2014 an election was held in Adzhatia to elect the regional members of the Adzhatian parliament, the Dume. This will be the sixth election of this kind since Adzhatia's independence. Since the redivision of districts in 2013, the number of regional seats has increased from 27 to 45, increasing the total number of seats from 142 to 160.

Also on 27 September 2014 presidential elections were held to elect a successor to president Ăŕva Bekina, who decided not to pursue a second term in office. Kataŕine Matuś (AVŎD) will be the next president of the Adzhatian State.

Polling stations opened at 8 AM local time and closed at 6 PM.

Presidential elections

On 27 September 2014 presidential elections will be held in Adzhatia to elect a successor to president Ăŕva Bekina who, despite being elegible for a second term in office, didn't register as a candidate. According to the 2006 constitution, the President of the Adzhatian state is elected by the Adzhatian people in one round of voting, in which the voters may give up to five preference votes (or less, if there are less than five candidates). If, after counting the first preference votes, no candidate has obtained more than 50% of the votes, the candidate with the least amount of votes will leave the race and the second preference votes of the first preference votes that were in favour of that candidate, will be distributed among the other candidates. This procedure is repeated until a candidate has obtained more than 50% of the votes.

The office of President of the Adzhatian State is mostly ceremonial.


On 29 August, the electoral committee announced that it had approved six candidates:

Secializdźiś didn't formally endorse a candidate yet, although it is expected that they will support the candidate of their government coalition partner Kataŕine Matuś-Ħememiemei. Bloc-Ħĭnzei, most members of which party were hoping to be able to vote on the incumbent president, hasn't said anything either yet regarding its candidate of choice, although it is expected that they will now endorse Astrid Kŭćma, who decided to run as an independent when it didn't became clear whether Bekina would be a candidate again or not; although Kŭćma was criticised for doing so by many prominent party members, she may now be the party's best hope of securing the precidency.

Smaller coalition partner the Green Party (Dzalităm Partića) already said it would support Matuś, as did Ĕrevi Śviveź. PDA and PŎA may also support Matuś, although it is equally possible that they will choose Kŭćma or one of the independent candidates. The smaller communist party Pjotarśŭniće Partića has expressed its support for Bohatiŕ Ŭććaŕa.

Rightwing parties Trŏśtan Frentciŕ, IGA and ŚhS have decided not to express their support for any candidate.


Kataŕine Matuś was the first candidate who crossed the 50% threshold after the candidates with the least amount of first preference votes (first Feliks Ħceŕćvei, then Ăŕva Ośŕoncei) were eliminated from the race. Ereh Maććok became second, Astrid Kŭćma third. Ms Matuś will be sworn in as president of the Adzhatian State on 11 October 2014.

Parliamentary elections

Adzhatian parliamentary election, 2014
27 September 2014
45 of the 160 seats of the Dume
1st party 2nd party 3rd party
Leader Ŕanije Erijeź Ŕedian Bŏcaneź Bohatiŕ Ŭććaŕa
Party Secializdźiś A.V.Ŏ.D. N.K.P.
Before election 55 (47 + 8) 25 (21 + 4) 22 (21 + 1)
After election 52 (47 + 5) 35 (21 + 14) 30 (21 + 9)
Change -3 +10 +8
4th party 5th party 6th party
Leader Maðias Ŕaskeź Lere Baśćŏt Igoŕ Beigiŕ
Party Ĕrevi Śviveź Trŏśtan Frentciŕ Dzalităm Partića
Before election 9 (9 + 0) 8 (5 + 3) 3 (3 + 0)
After election 11 (9 + 2) 9 (5 + 4) 5 (3 + 12)
Change + 2 + 1 + 2
Referencearrow.png Main Article: Politics of Adzhatia

Electoral system

The members of the Dume are elected in two stages: 115 members are elected by proportional representation every four years at maximum. This part of the Dume can be dissolved before the end of its term by either itself or by the country's president. Since Adzhatian governments are normally coalition governments of two or more parties, the premature end of such a coalition may lead to the dissolution of the Dume, although it is possible to create a new coalition government.

The other members of the Dume are elected through regional representation by means of the Single Transferable Vote system, which is used in countries such as Ireland as well. Those elected remain members of the Dume for four years, until the next regional elections. They cannot be re-elected, nor will they be replaced when they die. They can however be severely fined if they choose to discontinue their active membership. The number of regionally elected members will increase from 27 to 45 during these elections, following a district redivision in 2013.

Although political parties (especially the larger ones) operate also on regional level, there are some local parties or individuals that participate in the elections for the 45 regional seats. Currently there are two local parties represented in the Duma, both with one seat.

Death of Aliksandeŕ Dućiń

On 12 November 2011, hardly a week before the elections of 19 November 2011, MP Aliksandeŕ Dućiń (Secializdźiś) died in a car accident. As he was elected through regional representation in the elections of 25 September 2010, this means that his seat will remain vacant until the elections of 27 September 2014 (temporarily reducing the amount of regional seats to 26) and that Secializdźiś effectively have lost one seat.

Parties and results


Exit poll and election night

Parties and results

The following parties will participate in at least one district during the elections on 27 September. Parties that only participate in these type of elections and in elections for the district parliaments are marked with (R).

Name Name in English Ideology Leader Seats 18/7/2013 Seats 16/10/2014 Change
Secializdźiś Socialists socialist, socialdemocratic Ŕanije Erijeź (f) 55 (47 + 8) 52 (47 + 5) -3
Adźać Valteźiś Ŏdźa Demokradźiś Liberal Democrats of the Adzhatian State liberal-democratic Ŕedian Bŏcaneź 25 (21 + 4) 35 (21 + 14) +10
Năve Komunistiće Partića New Communist Party communist Bohatiŕ Ŭććaŕa 22 (21 + 1) 30 (21 + 9) +8
Ĕrevi Śviveź Friends of Europe centre-left, pro-European Maðias Ŕaskeź 9 (9 + 0) 11 (9 + 2) +2
Trŏśtan Frentciŕ Thursday Front conservative, populist Lere Baśćŏt (f) 8 (5 + 3) 9 (5 + 4) +1
Bloc-Ħĭnzei List-Ħĭnzei conservative, semi-nationalist Grigeŕ Turkanen 8 (3 + 5) 3 (3 + 0) -5
Dzalităm Partića Party of the Greens environmentalist Igoŕ Beigiŕ 3 (3 + 0) 5 (3 + 2) +2
Partića Demokratićai Adźaciai Party for a Democratic Adzhatia centre-right, christian Vere Pucva-Janiek (f) 3 (0 + 3) 0 (0 + 0) -3
Partića Ŏdźai Adźaciai Party for a Free Adzhatia social liberal Orez Măŕei (f) 2 (2 + 0) 4 (2 + 2) +2
Pjotarśŭniće Partića Pjotarśŭnist Party communist Slava Ustić 2 (2 + 0) 2 (2 + 0) 0
Śăĺveź hă Saħe Order and Justice right-wing christian Vladimiŕ Ćverħićek 1 (1 + 0) 1 (1 + 0) 0
Iństătciŕ Gleŕiă Adźaciai Association for a Glorious Adzhatia nationalist Rŭðe Matuś-Iŕańak (f) 1 (1 + 0) 1 (1 + 0) 0
Monarħiaisa Drejzeńćciŕ Forum for the Monarchy monarchist Śvein Ăha 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Maltai Partića Party for Prayer christian Ćĕnza Ŕiveiźa 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Năve Seciaĺdemokratiće Partića New Socialdemocratic Party social-democratic Luka Hijeŕ 0 (0 + 0) 3 (0 + 3) +3
Demokratiće Partića Adźaciai (R) Democratic Party of Adzhatia (R) democrat Lĕjnideź Barćak 1 (0 + 1) 0 (0 + 0) -1
Finnugeŕćve Śaizŭśve eń Adźaciai Iństadzavte Partića (R) United Party for Finnugric People in Adzhatia (R) minority interests O̊tari Kuśmalain 1 (0 + 1) 1 (0 + 1) 0
Adźaće Piratane Partića (R) Adzhatian Pirate Party (R) pirate party Saśśa Feliksśŭn 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Śariĺai Prekriśtai Dresĺevi Partića (R) Party for More Public Transport (R) one issue, environmentalist, leftist Fabiań Cvĕrba 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Văŕtiaisa Kraizźiś Ruźće Partića (R) Russian Party of Văŕtiaisa Krais (R) minority interests Sardźia Śćegoĺajĕv (Sergey Shchegolyayev) 0 (0 + 0) 1 (0 + 1) +1
Văŕtiaisa Kraizźiś Konservative Partića (R) Conservative Party of Văŕtiaisa Krais (R) conservative, populist Isăk Grŏst 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Ćandeisa Kraizźiś Ceiððiane Partića (R) Farmers' Party of Ćandeisa Kreis (R) conservative Źurvaś Meźeŕ 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Śeńevane Partića (R) Prosperity Party (R) social-liberal Ćĕnzid Viŕa-Pŭlcei (f) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Kerceźiś Reformane Partića (R) Reform Party of Kercei (R) communitarian Konstantiń Abramśŭn 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Ŭceisa Kraizźiś Ceiððiane Partića (R) Farmers' Party of Ŭceisa Krais (R) conservative Oĺĕgeź Oĺĕkcei 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Śaiń Ćŭŕdveźiś Kraizźiś Secialistiće Partića (R) Socialist Party of Śaiń Ćŭŕdveźiś Krais (R) socialist Ŭrije Jurma (f) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Śaiń Ćŭŕdveźiś Kraizźiś Iństadzavte Bŏcaððive Partića (R) United Workers' Party of Śaiń Ćŭŕdveźiś Krais (R) democrat Kristof Bek 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Śaiń Valaźiś Kraizźiś Konservative Partića (R) Conservative Party of Śaiń Valaźiś Krais (R) conservative, christian Ħristine Ĺefkin (f) 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Adźaćă Beiððidză Ħristić Strătćciŕ (R) Christian Movement for Adzhatian Fishermen (R) christian, communitarian Vadim Andropŏv 0 (0 + 0) 0 (0 + 0) 0
Driă Sarăm Kraizźiś Źampĕldźane Partića (R) Party for the Interests of Driă Sarăm Krais (R) democrat Eigĕń Ăśħcevei 0 (0 + 0) 2 (0 + 2) +2

Campaign and issues


The new president will be inaugurated on Saturday 11 October 2014.

The 45 new members of the Dume will be installed on Thursday 16 October 2014.