Ģiannis Irtiazus

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Ģiannis Irtiazus (born 23 May 1947 in Kvēvuste, died 29 November 2001 in Divis) was the 17th prime minister of Voskia. After the end of the dictatorship, his Democratic Party (Ģiēnikē Pàrtiā) became relatively popular, and Irtiazus managed to lead three governments between 1998 and 2001, despite the fact that the ĢP wasn't the largest party in parliament. Early 2001, doctors discovered that Irtiazus suffered from lung cancer, and he stepped down as prime minister in April, due to deteriorating health. He died in November that year. In the year after that, his immediate successor as prime minister, Pāvus Luva, founded the Irtiaziakē Pàrtiā ’02 in his honour, although according to many of Luva's opponents, the ideology of the IP'02 doesn't agree at all with Irtiazus's views.

As prime minister, Irtiazus was able to create some laws restricting the power of the country's armed forces so that they posed less of a threat to democracy and he did a lot to reattract foreign investors to Voskia.

His goverments were:

  • I 1998 - 1999, coalition of eight parties, followed by the government of Envars Bapiavs;
  • II 2000, six parties, followed by Irtiazus III;
  • III 2000 - 2001, nine parties, followed by Pāvus Luva's government
Prime ministers of Voskia since 1998
Ģiannis Irtiazus (1998 - 1999) · Envars Bapiavs (1999 - 2000) · Ģiannis Irtiazus (2000 - 2001) · Pāvus Luva (2001 - 2002) · Ģiōģius Krugvavs (2002 - 2004) · Başkim Arhali (2004 - 2007)
Gian Parpan (2007 - 2008) · Başkim Arhali (2008 - 2013) · Luçia Apavia (incumbent since 2013)