Ísðor Treaty

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Below is the complete text of the 'Treaty of Ísðor', officially 'Treaty of the Forum for International Cooperation and Trade' (T.FICT2) revising the original Purikali Treaty.

Text of the Treaty


Convinced that international cooperation contributes to peace, stability and development of this world;
Confident that cooperation between their nations will increase their people’s welfare;
Resolved to reinforce the voice of non-aligned nations by their cooperation;
Conscious of their Nations’ underlying values;

HAVE AGREED upon the following


Chapter 1: Nature and purposes

Article 1: The Signatories establish by this Treaty the international organisation that they have developed to achieve the exchange of industrial, technological and cultural knowledge and ideas, the facilitation of trade agreements, the promotion of tourism and improvement of traffic of people.

Article 2: The Forum of International Cooperation and Trade proclaims the following essential purposes:

  • a) To promote, by cooperative action and through Specialised Organisations as mentioned in article 28, the economic, social, and cultural development of the Members;
  • b) To facilitate trade agreements;
  • c) To promote tourism and to improve the traffic of people through a visa agreement.

Article 3: The Forum of International Cooperation and Trade has no powers other than those expressly conferred upon it by this Treaty, none of whose provisions authorises it to intervene in matters that are within the internal jurisdiction of the Member States.

Chapter 2: Members

Article 4: All Nations that ratify the present Treaty are Members of the Forum.

Article 5: Any other independent Nation that desires to become a Member of the Forum should so indicate by means of a note addressed to the Secretary General of the Conference, in which it declares that it is willing to sign and ratify the Treaty of the Forum and to accept all the obligations inherent in membership.

Article 6: The General Assembly, upon recommendation of the Conference of Ambassadors, shall determine whether it is appropriate that the Secretary General of the Conference be authorized to permit the applicant Nation to sign the Treaty and to accept the deposit of the corresponding instrument of ratification. The decision of the General Assembly shall require the affirmative vote of two thirds of the Member States.

Article 7: An applicant nation who is not politically recognised by one or more Members of the Forum cannot become a Member of the Forum.

Article 8.1: A Member of the Forum who does not adhere to the Rights and Duties of the Member States may be suspended from the exercise of the right to participate in the sessions of the General Assembly. This Member’s Ambassador to the Forum shall likewise be suspended from his duty.

  • a) The power to suspend shall be exercised only when such diplomatic initiatives undertaken by the Forum for the purpose of promoting the restoration of the Member’s adherence to the Rights and Duties of the Member States have been unsuccessful;
  • b) The decision to suspend shall be adopted at a special session of the General Assembly by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Member States;
  • c) The suspension shall take effect immediately following its approval by the General Assembly;
  • d) The suspension notwithstanding, the Forum shall endeavour to undertake additional diplomatic initiatives to contribute to the re-establishment of the affected Member’s adherence to the Rights and Duties of the Member States;
  • e) The General Assembly may lift the suspension by a decision adopted with the approval of two-thirds of the Member States;
  • f) The powers referred to in this article shall be exercised in accordance with this Treaty.

Article 8.2: A suspended Member of the Forum, who, after a period of six months, despite additional diplomatic initiatives to contribute to the re-establishment of the suspended Member’s adherence to the Rights and Duties of the Member States, continues to not adhere to those Rights and Duties, may be expelled from the Forum. The Member’s Ambassador shall likewise be expelled.

  • a) The decision to expel shall be adopted at a special session of the General Assembly by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Member States;
  • b) The expulsion shall take effect immediately following its approval by the General Assembly;
  • c) The powers referred to in this article shall be exercised in accordance with this Treaty.

Chapter 3: Rights and duties of the member states

Article 9: The Member States are juridically equal, enjoy equal rights and equal capacity to exercise these rights, and have equal duties. The rights of each Member State depend not upon its power to ensure the exercise thereof, but upon the mere fact of its existence as a person under international law.

Article 10: Every Member State has the duty to respect the rights enjoyed by every other Member State in accordance with international law.

Article 11: The fundamental rights of Member States may not be impaired in any manner whatsoever.

Article 12: Member States may not unilaterally withdraw the political recognition of another Member State who has signed this Treaty but after expulsion of that Member State as stipulated in article 8.2.

Article 13: The right of each Member State to protect itself and to live its own life does not authorise it to commit unjust acts against another Member State.

Article 14: The jurisdiction of Member States within the limits of their national territory is exercised equally over all the inhabitants, whether nationals or aliens.

Article 15: Each Member State has the right to develop its cultural, political and economic life freely and naturally. In this free development, the Member State shall respect the rights of the individual and the principles of universal morality.

Article 16: No Member State or group of Member States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other Member State. The foregoing principle prohibits not only armed force but also any other form of interference or attempted threat against the personality of the Member State or against its political, economic and cultural elements.

Article 17: No State may use or encourage the use of coercive measures of an economic or political character in order to force the sovereign will of another Member State and obtain from it advantages of any kind.

Article 18: The territory of a Member State is inviolable; it may not be the object, even temporarily, of military occupation or of other measures of force taken by another Member State, directly or indirectly, on any grounds whatever. No territorial acquisitions or special advantages obtained either by force or by other means of coercion shall be recognised.

Article 19: Measures adopted for the maintenance of peace and security in accordance with existing treaties do not constitute a violation of the principles set forth in articles 16 and 18.

Chapter 4: Observer status

Article 20: The 'observer status' can be granted by the Conference to countries that either apply for this status or for full membership.

Article 21: If a membership application is approved by the majority of the Conference, that country automatically gets observer status.

Article 22: The observer status gives countries the right to send a representative to attend the Conference meetings. This representative has no voting rights and can only speak when asked.

Article 23: The observer status gives countries the right to participate in FICT activities that are opened to observers by the General Assembly.

Chapter 5: Pacific settlement of disputes

Article 24: International disputes between Member States shall be submitted to the peaceful procedures set forth in this Treaty. This provision shall not be interpreted as an impairment of the rights and obligations of the Member States under articles 34 and 35 of the Treaty of the United Nations.

Article 25: The following are peaceful procedures: direct negotiation, good offices, mediation, investigation and conciliation, judicial settlement, arbitration, and those which the parties to the dispute may especially agree upon at any time.

Article 26: In the event that a dispute arises between two or more Member States which, in the opinion of one of them, cannot be settled through the usual diplomatic channels, the parties shall agree on some other peaceful procedure that will enable them to reach a solution.

Article 27: A special treaty will establish adequate means for the settlement of disputes and will determine pertinent procedures for each peaceful means such that no dispute between Member States may remain without definitive settlement within a reasonable period of time.

Chapter 6: The organs

Article 28: The Forum for International Cooperation and Trade accomplishes its purposes by means of:

  • a) The General Assembly;
  • b) The Conference of Ambassadors;
  • c) The Office of the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors;
  • d) The Juridical Committee of the Forum;
  • e) The Specialised Organisations.

There may be established, in addition to those provided for in the Treaty and in accordance with the provisions thereof, such subsidiary organs, agencies and other entities as are considered necessary.

The General Assembly

Article 29: The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Forum of International Cooperation and Trade. It consists of the heads of government or ministers of the Member States. It has as its principal powers, in addition to such others as are assigned to it by the Treaty, the following:

  • a) To decide the general action and policy of the Forum, determine the structure and functions of its organs, and consider any matter relating to friendly relations among the Member States;
  • b) To establish measures for coordinating the activities of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Forum among themselves;
  • c) To promote collaboration, especially in the economic, technological, scientific and cultural fields, with other international organisations whose purposes are similar to those of the Forum of International Cooperation and Trade;
  • d) To approve the program-budget of the Forum and determine the quotas of the Member States;
  • e) To adopt general standards to govern the operation of the Office of the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors; and
  • f) To adopt its own rules of procedure and its agenda.

The General Assembly shall exercise its powers in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty and of other applicable treaties.

Article 30: The General Assembly shall establish the bases for fixing the quota that each Government is to contribute to the maintenance of the Forum, taking into account the ability to pay of the respective Member States and their determination to contribute in an equitable manner. Decisions on budgetary matters require the approval of two thirds of the Member States.

Article 31: All Member States have the right to be represented in the General Assembly. Each Member State has the right to one vote.

Article 32: The General Assembly shall convene annually during the period determined by the rules of procedure and at a place selected in accordance with the principle of rotation. At each regular session the date and place of the next regular session shall be determined, in accordance with the rules of procedure.

If for any reason the General Assembly cannot be held at the place chosen, it shall meet at the Office of the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors, unless one of the Member States should make a timely offer of a site in its territory, in which case the General Assembly may agree that it will meet in that place.

Article 33: In special circumstances and with the approval of two thirds of the Member States, a special session of the General Assembly may be convoked by the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors.

Article 34: Decisions of the General Assembly shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of an absolute majority of the Member States, except in those cases that require a two thirds vote as provided in the Treaty or as may be provided by the General Assembly in its rules of procedure.

The Conference of Ambassadors

Article 35: The Conference of Ambassadors is composed of one representative of each Member State, especially appointed by the respective Government, with the rank of ambassador. Each government may accredit an acting representative, as well as such alternates and advisers as it considers necessary.

Article 36: The office of Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors shall be held by each of the representatives, in turn, following the alphabetic order in English of the names of their respective countries. The office of Vice Secretary General shall be filled in the same way, following reverse alphabetic order. The offices of Secretary General and Vice Secretary General are incompatible and cannot be held by two persons originating from the same Member State.

The Secretary General and the Vice Secretary General shall hold office for a term of not more than six months, which shall be determined by the statutes.

Article 37: Within the limits of the Treaty and of other applicable treaties and agreements, the Conference of Ambassadors takes cognizance of any matter referred to it by the General Assembly.

Article 38: The Conference of Ambassadors shall keep vigilance over the maintenance of friendly relations among the Member States, and for that purpose shall effectively assist them in the peaceful settlement of their disputes, in accordance with the following provisions.

Article 39: In accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, any party to a dispute in which none of the peaceful procedures provided for in the Treaty is under way may resort to the Conference of Ambassadors to obtain its good offices. The Conference, following the provisions of the preceding article, shall assist the parties and recommend the procedures it considers suitable for peaceful settlement of the dispute.

Article 40: The Conference of Ambassadors shall also:

  • a) Carry out those decisions of the General Assembly the implementation of which has not been assigned to any other body;
  • b) Watch over the observance of the standards governing the operation of the Office of Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors and, when the General Assembly is not in session, adopt provisions of a regulatory nature that enable the Office of Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors to carry out its administrative functions;
  • c) Act as a Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly, unless the General Assembly should decide otherwise;
  • d) Submit recommendations to the General Assembly with regard to the functioning of the Forum and the coordination of its subsidiary organs, agencies and committees;
  • e) Perform the other functions assigned to it in the Treaty.

Article 41: The Conference of Ambassadors and the Office of its Secretary General have the same seat.

The Office of the Secretary General

Article 42: The Office of the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors, hereafter ‘the Office’, is the central and permanent organ of the Forum for International Cooperation and Trade. It shall perform the functions assigned to it in the Treaty and by the General Assembly, and shall carry out the duties entrusted to it by the General Assembly.

Article 43: The Office shall be directed by the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors, hereafter ‘the Secretary General’, who shall be the legal representative thereof, and be responsible to the General Assembly for the proper fulfilment of the obligations and functions of the Office.

Article 44: The Secretary General, or his representative, may participate with voice but without vote in all meetings of the Forum.

Article 45: The Office shall promote economic, technological, scientific and cultural relations among all the Member States of the Forum, in keeping with the actions and policies decided upon by the General Assembly.

Article 46: The Office shall also perform the following functions:

  • a) Transmit to the Member States notice of the convocation of the General Assembly or any other meeting within the Forum;
  • b) Advise the other organs, when appropriate, in the preparation of agenda and rules of procedure;
  • c) Provide, on a permanent basis, adequate secretariat services for the General Assembly and the other organs, and carry out their directives and assignments. To the extent of its ability, provide services for the other meetings of the Forum;
  • d) Serve as custodian of the documents and archives of the Forum; and
  • e) Submit to the General Assembly at each regular session an annual report on the activities of the Forum and its financial condition.

Article 47: The General Assembly, by a two thirds vote of the Member States, may remove the Secretary General or the Vice Secretary General, or both, whenever the proper functioning of the Forum so demands.

Article 48: In the performance of their duties, the Secretary General and the personnel of the Office shall not seek or receive instructions from any Government or from any authority outside the Forum, and shall refrain from any action that may be incompatible with their position as international officers responsible only to the Forum.

Article 49: The Member States pledge themselves to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary General and the personnel of the Office, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.

Article 50: The seat of the Office is the city of Purikali, Kaupelan.

The Juridical Committee and the Specialised Organisations

Article 51: The Juridical Committee of the Forum and the Specialised Organisations shall be further elaborated in Regulations.

Chapter 7: Miscellaneous provisions

Article 52: The Forum of International Cooperation and Trade shall enjoy in the territory of each Member State such legal capacity, privileges and immunities as are necessary for the exercise of its functions and the accomplishments of its purposes.

Article 53: The representatives of the Member States on the organs of the Forum, the personnel of their delegations, as well as the Secretary General and Vice Secretary General shall enjoy the privileges and immunities corresponding to their positions and necessary for the independent performance of their duties.

Article 54: Correspondence of the Forum for International Cooperation and Trade, including printed matter and parcels, bearing the frank thereof, shall be carried free of charge in the mails of the Member States.

Article 55: The Forum for International Cooperation and Trade does not allow any restriction based on race, creed or sex with respect to eligibility to participate in the activities of the Forum and to hold positions therein.

Chapter 8: Ratification and entry into force

Article 56: The present Treaty shall remain open for signature by the Nations that fulfil the requirements of becoming Member States of the Forum and shall be ratified in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures. The original instrument, written in the English language, shall be deposited with the Office of the Secretary General of the Conference of Ambassadors, which shall transmit certified copies thereof to the Governments for purposes of ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Office, which shall notify the signatory States of such deposit.

Article 57: The present Treaty shall enter into force among the ratifying States when two-thirds of the signatory States have deposited their ratifications. It shall enter into force with respect to the remaining States in the order in which they deposit their ratifications.

Article 58: This Treaty shall be further elaborated in Regulations.

Article 59: The aims and purpose of the Forum as established in this Treaty shall be pursued by means of additional treaties.

Article 60: Regulations and additional treaties and changes thereof or in, or changes of or in this Treaty, are signed by the General Assembly.

Article 61: Amendments to the present Treaty may be adopted only at a General Assembly meeting convened for that purpose. Amendments may be adopted only by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Member States. Amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the terms and the procedure set forth in article 57.

Chapter 9: Discontinuation of Membership

Article 62: If desiring to discontinue its membership, a member state has to file an official denunciation of the treaty with the Secretary General, who has to inform the other member states; the membership ends two months after the denouncement has been received by the Secretary General.

Chapter 10: Transitory provisions

Article 63: When this Treaty has been ratified according to the procedure set forth in article 57, it will replace definitively the Treaty of Purikali of 25 June 2011, undoing the latter Treaty's international validity as of that moment.

Article 64: Until this Treaty has been ratified according to the procedure set forth in article 57, the heads of government or ministers of the Members of the Forum that have signed this Treaty, will continue to act as the Council such as stipulated in the Treaty of Purikali of 25 June 2011.

Article 65.1: Until this Treaty has been ratified according to the procedure set forth in article 57, Members of the Forum that have not signed this Treaty, will be temporarily suspended from the exercise of the right to participate in the sessions of the Council. These Members' Ambassadors to the Forum shall likewise be suspended from their duties.

Article 65.2: The suspension will be lifted at any moment that the suspended Member signs this treaty.

Article 66: The Council appoints an acting Chairman of the Conference for the period between the moments of the signing of this Treaty and its entry into force.

Article 67: As soon as the conditions of article 57 have been properly fulfilled, the acting Chairman of Conference will unconditionally step down to make way for a Secretary General appointed according to the procedures set forth in article 36.

Signed in Ísðor, Yukland, on 28 June 2012.

Signatories and ratifications
DATE: 28 JUNE 2012
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 21 SEPTEMBER 2012, in accordance with article 57 of the Treaty